sweet demon

Anime Avatar
:glutz:  necromancer bottoms /kemono for the underdog event, october 14th
:glutz:  necromancer potion belt /  Kemono for the underdog event, october 14th
:glutz:  necromancer top /Rei´s chest for the underdog event, october 14th
[Plastik]- Keep Horns /Bent

Human Avatar
:glutz:  necromancer bottoms/ maitreya for the underdog event, october 14th
:glutz:  necromancer potion belt / maitreya for the underdog event, october 14th
:glutz:  necromancer top/ maitreya for the underdog event, october 14th
:glutz:  necromancer wand for the underdog event, october 14th
[Plastik]- Khalen Antlers
[Plastik]-  Demon eyes // Noir
[Plastik]- skin  Catwa head // Golha [Sapphire]
[Plastik]:-  Skin Maitreya Body
:[Plastik] Skin Maitreya nails


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